Business Post (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") is committed to protecting youth from harmful information. In accordance with relevant laws, the Company has implemented a Youth Protection Policy to prevent those under 19 years of age from accessing harmful information. Additionally, the Company is actively taking measures to strictly sanction harmful, obscene, illegal information, as well as unethical and antisocial behavior that impedes the healthy growth of youth.

Table of Contents
  1. 1. Establishing and Implementing a Youth Protection Plan and Employee Education
  2. 2. Restricting and Managing Youth Access to Harmful Information
  3. 3. Counseling and Handling Grievances Related to Harmful Information
  4. 4. Contact Information for Youth Protection Officers and Representatives
  5. 5. Supplementary Provisions
Chapter 1: Establishing and Implementing a Youth Protection Plan and Employee Education
The Company has implemented certification measures for youth harmful media to ensure that youth are not exposed to harmful information without restrictions. Preventive measures are also taken to prevent the exposure of harmful information to youth, and relevant employees are provided with youth protection education.
Chapter 2: Restricting and Managing Youth Access to Harmful Information
The Company ensures that youth are not exposed to harmful information without restrictions by implementing certification measures for youth harmful media and taking preventive measures to prevent the exposure of such information.
Chapter 3: Counseling and Handling Grievances Related to Harmful Information
The Company has appointed specialized personnel for counseling and handling grievances related to harmful information to prevent the spread of damage caused by such information. Users can refer to the "Company's Youth Protection Officer and Representative Contact Information" section below to request counseling and grievance handling via phone or email.
Chapter 4: Contact Information for Youth Protection Officers and Representatives
The Company operates a Youth Protection Officer and representatives responsible for collecting opinions and handling complaints regarding youth protection. For inquiries related to youth protection, please contact us promptly and sincerely.
    • Youth Protection Officer
    • • Name (Position): Park Sahng-youh (Director of Management and Planning)
    • • Phone Number: 1800-6522
    • • Email:
Chapter 5: Supplementary Provisions
Effective Date of the Youth Protection Policy: November 19, 2015