Life Summary
Roh Sang-goo is the President and CEO of SK Incheon Petrochem.

He is focusing his efforts on resolving SK Incheon Petrochem's chronic deficits and debt.

He was born in November 1968.

He graduated from Hanyang University with a degree in Chemical Engineering.

After serving as the Head of the Optimal Operation Office at SK Innovation, Head of Energy Operation Division at SK Energy, and Head of Strategy Operation Division at SK Energy, he was appointed as the President and CEO of SK Incheon Petrochem in 2023.

He is keen on reducing business costs and improving profits.

He is interested in building an organizational culture that can create tangible results and strengthening alliances with partner companies.

#RohSanggoo #SKIncheonPetrochem #chemicalengineering #HanyangUniversity #businesscosts #profitimprovement #organizationalculture #partnerships #SKInnovation #SKEnergy