Kim Joon-sup is the CEO of PNT(People & Technology).
The company is striving to transition from a manufacturer of secondary battery equipment to a total solutions provider for secondary batteries.
He was born on May 17, 1964, in Andong, North Gyeongsang Province.
He graduated from Daegu Gyeongbuk Mechanical Technical High School and the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Kumoh National Institute of Technology.
He joined Seotong Technology and worked as a design engineer.
In 2003, he established PNT and localized the production of optical film and prism sheet coating equipment, as well as roll-to-roll technology, which previously relied on imports.
He is focusing on building a secondary battery value chain that connects "PNT → PNT MS → PNT Materials."
The company is expanding its business with the goal of achieving KRW 1 trillion (US$721.4 million) in sales by 2025.