Life Summary
Kim Eun-mee is the president of Ewha Womans University.

She graduated from the Department of Sociology at Ewha Womans University and received her master's and doctoral degrees in sociology from Brown University in the United States.

After serving as a professor at the University of Southern California and a visiting professor at Harvard University, she joined Ewha Womans University in 1997 as a professor at the Graduate School of International Studies.

She was a member of the Presidential Commission on Regulatory Reform under the Lee Myung-bak administration and a member of the Task Force for Reviewing the Agreement on the Comfort Women Issue between South Korea and Japan under the Moon Jae-in administration.

She became the first female outside director at Samsung Electronics.

She ran for the position of president of Ewha Womans University for the second time in a direct election and was elected in 2021.

As a professor from the Graduate School of International Studies, she has shown a strong aptitude for international exchange and cooperation.

She is working to identify the unique social values and roles of Ewha Womans University as the crisis of declining school-age population intensifies.

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