• President of Korea University
    Kim Dong-one

    From Labor Relations Expert to University Leader, Driving Social Engagement and Knowledge Transformation in Academia

    Last Updated on Aug 6, 2024

    copy_url  Copy Url : https://www.koreawho.com/profile/KimDongone

Life Summary
Kim Dong-one is the President of Korea University. He took office on February 28, 2023, with a term of four years.

He emphasizes the 'transformation of university knowledge,' which involves changing the content, subjects and objects, and delivery methods of the knowledge produced by universities.

He was born on January 15, 1960, in Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do.

He graduated from the Department of Business Administration at Korea University and obtained a Master's degree and a Ph.D. in Labor Relations from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

He worked as a professor of Business Administration at the State University of New York before moving to Korea University as a professor of Business Administration.

During the Participatory Government, he served as an expert member of the Presidential Advisory Council on National Economy. During the Park Geun-hye administration, he was a member of the Presidential Regulatory Reform Committee, a member of the National Economic Advisory Council, the chairman of the Automotive Parts Industry Committee of the Economic and Social Development Commission, and the chairman of the Employment and Labor Policy Evaluation Committee of the Ministry of Employment and Labor.

During the Moon Jae-in administration, he served as a director of the National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences under the Prime Minister.

As an expert in labor relations, he served as the president of the Korean Academy of Employment and Labor Relations and was the first Korean to serve as the president of the International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA).

He has held positions as an outside director and advisor at Samsung Electronics, Hyundai Motor, Kia, LG Electronics, Lotte Group, POSCO Group, and Doosan Group.

He believes that universities' involvement in social issues and research endows them with value and that contributing to solving social problems is the starting point for overcoming the crisis in universities.

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