Kang Jin-mo is the Chairman of ITCEN Group.
He was born on September 18, 1968, in Sangju, Gyeongsangbuk-do.
He graduated from Ajou University with a degree in Physics in 1994 and earned a master's degree in Engineering Management from Yonsei University's Graduate School of Engineering in 2011.
In 1994, he joined the first-generation venture company, Daou Technology.
He later ventured into entrepreneurship, but his efforts were halted due to the aftermath of the IMF crisis, leading him to join Yeolrim Technology in 1998.
At Yeolrim Technology, he was in charge of the network equipment business and laid the foundation for his independence by founding ITCEN in 2005.
Since 2016 and as of June 2024, he has been serving as the Chairman of ITCEN Group.
In 2022, he was appointed President of the Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers.
Since 2019, he has set a record of "achieving trillion-won sales for three consecutive years."
#KangJinMo #ITCENGroup #DaouTechnology #YeolrimTechnology #AjouUniversity #YonseiUniversity #KoreanInstituteofInformationScientistsandEngineers #EngineeringManagement #IMFCrisis #TrillionWonSales