Life Summary
Jin Yang-gon is the Chairman and CEO of HLB.

He is focused on the commercialization of new drugs, including the anticancer drug "Rivoceranib," and securing growth momentum through mergers and acquisitions.

He was born on January 14, 1966, in Busan.

He graduated from Wonkwang University with a degree in law and earned a master's degree in business administration from Yonsei University Graduate School.

After working at Busan Bank and Peace Bank, he left the banking sector and ran a pub.

In 1998, he founded the consulting firm J&Lee Partners.

In 2004, he established the investment company Golden Light and entered the mergers and acquisitions business. After acquiring HLB, he ventured into the biotechnology industry.

He has applied for U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for Rivoceranib as a liver cancer treatment and is preparing for commercialization.

He advocates for people-centered management.

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