Life Summary
Han Jong-hee is the Vice Chairman and CEO, as well as the head of Samsung Electronics' DX Division.

He oversees Samsung Electronics' finished products and electronic device business, which were previously separated into the IM (IT & Mobile) Division and the CE (Consumer Electronics) Division.

He is striving to expand Samsung's presence in the OLED TV market, led by LG Electronics, with a focus on Quantum Dot (QD) OLED TVs.

He was born on February 15, 1962, according to the lunar calendar.

He graduated from Cheonan High School and the Department of Electronic Engineering at Inha University.

After joining the development team of Samsung Electronics' Video Business Division, he dedicated himself to TV research and development as the head of the LCD TV Lab, development team leader, and development group leader.

He was promoted to head of the Visual Display Business Division and president after serving as the head of the Visual Display product development team and development team leader.

In 2021, he was appointed as the head of the DX Division and Vice Chairman and CEO of Samsung Electronics, leading the company alongside Kyung Kye-hyun, head of the DS Division, in a two-top system.

He is a TV expert who participated in the development of most of Samsung Electronics' TVs, leading the company to hold the number one global TV market share for 16 consecutive years.

He has earned the nickname 'Rhino President' for overcoming obstacles through consistent and diligent efforts.

#Samsung #SamsungElectronics #HanJonghee #DXDivision #OLEDTV #QuantumDot #TVMarket #CheonanHighSchool #InhaUniversity #RhinoPresident