Ahn Jung-ho is the CEO and President of Simmons.
He leads the bed and mattress manufacturing company, Simmons, with a focus on quality management and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) management.
He was born on May 2, 1971, in Seoul.
He graduated from the Economics Department at Southern Illinois University in the United States and joined Simmons in 1998, becoming CEO and President in 2001.
As a second-generation owner, his father is Ahn Yoo-soo, the former chairman of Ace Bed.
His brother, Ahn Sung-ho, is the CEO and President of Ace Bed.
The former chairman, Ahn Yoo-soo, passed on Ace Bed and Simmons to his sons, Ahn Sung-ho and Ahn Jung-ho, respectively. The brothers engage in friendly competition in the bed industry.
He is actively interested in expanding the company's positive influence through philanthropy and cultural content.
#AhnJungHo #Simmons #ESGManagement #QualityManagement #Philanthropy #CulturalContent #AceBed #BedIndustry #SecondGenerationOwner #SouthernIllinoisUniversity